My Story

I began my financial services career in New York after graduating from Georgetown University’s business school.  I later received an MBA from the Fuqua School of business at Duke University.

My career took an adventurous turn when I landed a role overseeing a specialty financial insurance division in Buenos Aires, Argentina, focusing on the South American market. Following that, I spent a year in Sao Paulo, Brazil. After spending approximately seven years working for large public multinational corporations, the entrepreneur in me wanted to start something new.

In 2001, I moved to Miami and established the first wholesale distribution platform of its kind tailored to the Latin American market. This venture played a pivotal role in elevating the city of Miami to one of the world’s premier global hubs for financial insurance and reinsurance.

Later I co-founded ProcessMaker, Inc., which became a thriving BPM SaaS company based in Durham, NC. Together with my co-founder, after more than a decade, we successfully orchestrated a majority recapitalization and sale of the firm to a private equity fund. Utilizing the software and process concepts we developed at ProcessMaker, I launched a third company in 2010 focused on distributing financial insurance products to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the U.S., eventually selling the company in early 2016.

This marked the beginning of my own wealth management journey, where I navigated the pre and post-retirement stages of my life.  Realizing that idling on the beach or golfing all day wasn’t my calling, I sought continued passion and purpose. Transitioning into academia, I assumed the role of professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Miami business school while concurrently coaching high school football. In this dual role of financial stewardship and mentorship, I discovered my true calling; teaching, coaching, and mentoring.

Reflecting on my diverse career, spanning various industries and continents, I recognize a consistent theme: guiding and empowering others. Whether it was mentoring employees, advising clients, or collaborating with partners, my core activity has always been helping individuals solve problems and achieve their objectives.

Now, I consider myself fortunate to leverage my diverse experiences to assist clients in preparing for retirement, be it from a corporate role, business sale, or succession planning. Beyond financial advice, I aspire to offer insights, counsel, and mentorship on navigating retirement, discovering purpose, and embracing new passions.

If my journey resonates with you and you seek guidance on your path, I invite you to connect with me. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to engage with you and learn about your story.

Bobby Vernon